Orion Lab Team at IGARSS 2024 in Athens!

Our team had a significant presence at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2024 held in Athens on 07-12 July. With a total of six participations, our contributions were both impactful and diverse.

Key Contributions:

  • Ioannis Papoutsis served on the Organising Committee as a Local Arrangement Co-Chair
  • Four dedicated volunteers from our team not only ensured the conference’s success with their active support and assistance but also led scientific workshops and presentations.
  • Our team members took on the responsibilities of 5 session chairs and co-chairs, steering key discussions and presentations.
  • Two workshops were designed and conducted by our team, sharing our latest research and developments with the international community.
  • One presentation was delivered, highlighting our innovative work and contributions to the field.

We look forward to continuing our journey of exploration, innovation and commitment to advancing Geoscience and Remote Sensing!