Plato system secures 2nd Prize at Innovation Competition!

Celebrations abound as our collaborative system, “Plato”, secures the 2nd prize at the esteemed innovation competition for natural hazards, hosted by the Archimedes center of innovation and entrepreneurship of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on February 15. Plato is a system for forecasting Greece’s next day fire danger and risk.

At the heart of Plato’s success lies a unique partnership between our team’s expertise in next-day fire danger forecast and the semantic ontologies developed by the AI team of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Plato’s efficacy lies its ability not only to identify areas at high risk but also to query specific locations of interest, such as hospitals, towns, or UNESCO sites, situated in or proximate to high-danger zones. This granular insight equips stakeholders with actionable intelligence, empowering proactive measures to safeguard lives and heritage.

It’s worth noting that Plato’s development was supported by the DeepCube project: Explainable AI Pipelines for Big Copernicus Data, with invaluable assistance from the Hellenic Fire Service. This collaborative endeavor exemplifies the transformative potential of collective ingenuity in shaping a safer, more resilient future conserning wildfire preparedness.

To learn more about the fire hazard forecasting in Greece and in the Mediterranean visit: DeepCube project.

For further information on Plato, please visit: